Firehouse makes it convenient and easy to get pet medications.
Shop NowYour favorite products delivered right to your home.
Save time and get your pet’s medication and food delivered straight to your home.
Call us if you would like to be registered or if you have any questions.

You can add products by:
A: Adding your script items to cart,
B: Browsing the Full Product List
C: Browsing the Product Categories, or
D: Searching for a specific product.

Add Items to Cart Ordering is as simple:
A: Select the product.
B: Select the quantity and assign the pet.
C: Click on “Add to Cart.”

Select Pet, Shipping Option, Place Order and Receive Confirmation.
**Pharmacy orders over $49.00 are eligible for FREE shipping**
You will receive an email confirmation when your order is placed and when your order ships! Shipping can take 5-7 business days. You can call us to check on your order or call 512.765.9009.